Copies of the policies that we have adopted are in a file for parents to view in the school at anytime. Our policies are reviewed regularly, and comments and suggestions from parents are always welcome. A brief synopsis of some of our policies follows:
Behaviour Management Policy
Our Pre-school aims to guide children towards good behaviour by explaining to them the need to treat others in a considerate way. In this way they learn to respect themselves and others. This is encouraged through praise and positive role models.
Special Needs Policy
Stepping Stones aims to have regard to the D.f.E. Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs. We aim to welcome and provide appropriate learning opportunities for all children.
Child Protection Policy
We intend to create an environment in which children are safe from harm and in which any suspicion of abuse is promptly and appropriately responded to. The Leader and Assistant Leader have both completed the South Gloucestershire Introduction to Child Protection Course.
Admissions Policy
We arrange our waiting list in order of date of birth and date of enrolment.
Health and Safety Policy and Practice
The safety of our children is of paramount importance. Stepping Stones will do everything within its power and legal obligations to ensure the safety of our children and adults.
Equal Opportunities Policy
Stepping Stones will give all children equal opportunity to develop to their potential, with mutual respect. It will not be acceptable to exclude any child or family in connection with their religion, gender, disability, language or race.